10 Best Cardio Exercises at Home To Lose Weight in a Month

Top Effective Cardio Exercises at Home Without Equipment to Lose Weight Quickly

Women all around the world, irrespective of their age, want a body that people can appreciate or get jealous of. We strive hard to get that spectacular body but there are days when one just wants to stay in bed and feast upon that ice cream tub in the refrigerator. This leads to a belly, the size of a football. Well, there’s no need to fret ladies because we’re here with a list of cardio exercises that can be done at home and will help get you back in shape in just a month!

Best Cardio Exercises At Home To Lose Weight In A Month

Best Cardio Exercises At Home To Lose Weight In A Month

Effective Cardio Exercises at Home Without Equipment to Lose Weight!

Cardio exercises increase your heartbeat rate, making you perspire more. This helps in burning alot more calories than just jogging.

Best Cardio Exercises At Home Without Equipment To Lose Weight

Best Cardio Exercises At Home Without Equipment To Lose Weight

1) Jumping Jacks
Stand with your feet together and your arms by your side. Jump while bringing your legs as wide as your shoulders, simultaneously bringing your hands above your head. Jumping jacks were one of the most basic exercises taught to us as a child. Keeping our heart healthy and fully functional, this exercise alone can reduce 1 kg in a month and is one of the beneficial cardio exercises that can be done at home.

Top 10 Exercises At Home To Lose Weight Quickly

Top 10 Exercises At Home To Lose Weight Quickly

2) High Knees
All you have to do in this exercise is jog on the spot, bringing your knees to the level of your waist. Make sure you keep your back straight. This exercise is a must in military camps (the reason why everyone in the camp is so fit). Just keep in mind not to give up and you’ve already won one battle.

Effective Cardio At Home Exercises Lose Weight In A Month

Effective Cardio At Home Exercises Lose Weight In A Month

3) Step Ups
Find a step in your house and start by climbing it once and getting off immediately. Try to maintain a rhythm so you don’t fall. As many of us have heard, climbing stairs is a really effective exercise; this is the same that we’re doing here. The only difference is that we don’t use a flight of stairs.

Top Cardio Exercises At Home

Top Cardio Exercises At Home

4) Skipping
Skipping helps you reduce fat quickly from every corner of the body. Skipping 500 times, twice a day can help lose a lot of weight. It is said that 10 minutes of skipping is equivalent to 45 minutes of jogging. All of us have played with skipping ropes as kids. But we were kids then, we’ll have to do it a lot more seriously now. Skipping 500 times might sound like a tough task so one can start with 100-150 reps.

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5) Stationery Cycle: Cycling not only helps in reducing weight but also helps to improve your body posture. It reduces stress, increases muscle flexibility, and strengthens bones while toning up your legs. If you cannot cycle outside, get a stationary cycle and start burning up them calories.

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Best Home Exercises For Legs

6) Squats
Squats can help you get that booty every girl craves for. Keep your feet apart and sit like you would on a chair and stand back up. Yes, squats are all about imagining that you’re sitting on a chair but of course, a lot more difficult. Start with weightless squats and add weights if needed.

Effective Home Exercises To Lose Weight Fast

Effective Home Exercises To Lose Weight Fast

7) Jumping Lunges: Lunges focus on your lower body including the calves, hamstrings and glutes. Lunges also help in increasing flexibility. This exercise makes you sweat to the beat as it has to been done rapidly without stopping to take an extra breath.You can start off with normal lunges if jumping lunges seem a bit difficult at first.

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8) Mountain Climbers: Taking the push up position, move one of your knees up to your chest with a jump. Do the same with the other knee alternately. This exercise being an excellent cardiovascular exercise, takes care of your core muscles and strengthens the shoulders because the entire body weight is shifted onto them. This effective cardio exercise seems tough but it is really helpful for those who want to work on their bellies.

Best Cardio Exercises At Home To Lose Weight In 10 Days

Best Cardio Exercises At Home To Lose Weight In 10 Days

9) Burpees: One of the best at home cardio exercise for losing weight, it works your arms, chest, quads, glutes and abs. While standing straight jump up and then go down to the push up position and lay a push up. Then stand and jump again. This helps build your strength and increases your fitness levels.

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10) Crunches
Finally, an exercise that scares every person to death. Crunches target your abdominal muscles and tones up your belly. Lay down flat on a floor mat and put your hands on both sides of the head to support it. Bend your knees and lift your upper back and shoulder away from the ground. Exhale as you come up. This is one rep. Now go back to the starting position and repeat.

All the exercises should start with 20 repetitions each in 3 sets. Gradually increase them by 5 repetitions every 2-3 days. Always remember to have lots of water because water helps you stay hydrated despite the perspiration. Just like the saying goes, ‘Pain is temporary but Glory stays forever!’, we cannot give up on our bodies till the time we get what we want- a healthy body that is in the perfect shape!

Hope you find these effective cardio exercises at home helpful for losing weight!

Contributed by Disha Khulbe